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Site Index
This is an alphabetical list of all 179 HTML pages on my site. The 27 items in bold are linked directly from the home page.- Academic Publications
- Advantages of dark backgrounds on computer displays
- Algorithmic Composition and Reductionist Analysis
- Android viewer app for static HTML
- Anemone DAISY maker
- Annotator Generator
- Apology to Chinese recruiters (Chinese + English)
- Bolo Adventures "walk-through"
- C Vu articles
- Cambridge to London avoiding large stations
- Cat scarers becoming audible
- CD recommendations & track listings
- CedPane: Chinese-English Dictionary Public-domain Additions for Names Etc
- Charlearn, a program for learning to recognise foreign characters
- Chess FEN codes for handicapped games
- Chinese mistakes in commercial speech synthesizers
- Chinese music and CUCOS
- Civica UK is wrong about middle names
- Clara Empricost
- Clara Empricost: How it Works
- Clara Empricost: Installation Instructions
- Common problems adding pinyin to Chinese names
- Compositions
- Connecting to a Psion PDA
- Consciousness and blindsight
- Converting imp/kWh to watts
- Coping with exam stress: unofficial guide (Chinese + English)
- Coping with exam stress: unofficial guide (Traditional Chinese + English)
- Cortical visual impairment
- Current-transformer "energy monitors"
- Curved quotes on Wattpad
- Director Musices with Lilypond ``Howto''
- Eating at other Cambridge colleges
- Elgar Op.74 scanned score and notes (1914 setting of Ps29)
- Emacs and XEmacs configuration
- Energy deals coherence checker
- English phrases for tourists
- Eulerian paths around polygons
- Flute chords and other fingerings
- Four-dimensional markup language (4DML)
- Four-dimensional markup language (4DML) download page
- Getty Images copied my words
- Google Maps "Share" link simplifier
- Gopher protocol considered inferior
- Gradint, a program for self-study of foreign languages
- Gradint (page in Full-form Chinese)
- Gradint (page in Simplified Chinese)
- Heating a flat: vegetable-oil candles or oil-filled radiators?
- Hedgehog magnifier
- High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound on the NHS
- Home page in Full-form Chinese
- Home page in Simplified Chinese
- is down
- How NOT to marry a foreign national (UK visa experience)
- How the Cambridge Student-Run Computing Facility (SRCF) started
- How to deal with "rate us" boxes on mobile apps
- How to just about survive in Android OS
- How to use Economy 7 effectively
- How to work around Zoom's no-audio bug
- I am not Sina Weibo's silascambridge: theft of a virtual identity (Chinese + English)
- If We Only Understood poem + Chinese translations
- ImapFix: a filter/fixer for IMAP mailboxes
- Instructions for F95B fan
- Introducing OOP in a Python game 2 (Chinese + English)
- Introducing OOP in a Python game (Chinese + English)
- Ipsos Mori Internet devices
- Is gradint-wrapper.exe a virus?
- Is the PH Corpus really public domain?
- Is WeChat's "cleaver" a death threat?
- Jianpu in Lilypond
- Large print in Wayland
- Large-print notes on EPOC or Symbian
- "Legal name fraud" nothing to worry about
- lexconvert: a converter between the lexicon formats of different speech synthesizers
- Lighting notes
- Lighting: spiral CFLs in tight fixtures
- LINE limitations
- List of vaguely-usable old Windows Mobile phones
- Loophole in Microsoft YaHei font license?
- Low-vision configuration for terminal applications
- Low-vision X11 configuration
- Mac magnification setup
- Mac MIDI player utility
- Magnetic field physics: is your phone charger really killing you?
- Manually removing Windows "adware" with race conditions
- Manuscript Writer home page
- MIDI Beeper (and RISC OS Maestro / BBC Micro converter)
- Minmin's reply to Xu Zhimo's Leaving Cambridge poem
- Mobile-phone contract checklist
- Mortgaging versus renting
- Notes on video conversion with mencoder
- Offline HTML Indexer
- Offline package installation for Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions
- Old CUCCS (CUCUS) website
- (Old) Netgear VMDG280 command-line control scripts
- Old notes: Adding Chinese web pages to Baidu
- Old notes: Desktop SSH via Android devices
- Old notes: FreeType in low resolution
- Old notes: iPhone UK billing and messaging issues with Virgin and Vectone (with workarounds)
- Old notes: Raspberry Pi Zero W projector controller
- Old notes: Using's S60 client
- Old notes: VNC with inverted colours
- Old notes: Windows Mobile email setup
- Old notes: X11 hardware magnification
- Old notes: X11 software magnification: last resort
- OpenID with command-line authorisation
- Openreach broadband providers
- Pen-sized digital voice recorders
- People misread emotions 30% to 50% of the time
- Pinyin Web & EPUB and related apps
- Polipo2: a caching Web proxy forked from Polipo
- Preparing enlarged lesson notes with Unix tools
- Primer Pooler (multiplex PCR)
- Python utilities for S60 phones
- Removing Android "Clean Master" malware
- RISC OS and low vision
- River Snow translation
- Satellite navigation devices that work with GNU/Linux or Mac
- Screenshotting Chinese Web documents for WeChat
- Shower-head water filter tested
- Silas S. Brown's home page
- Simplifying Unicode punctuation for SMS
- Software patents and mental health
- Solving Micropower Chess (1982)
- Sound-recorder applications on Android OS
- Spaced-out audio tracks with cdrdao
- Spare processor cycles
- Spotify's numerous "radio" channels
- Stylesheets for low vision
- TermLayout: flexible tabulation on Unix terminals
- The AI Misnomer (Chinese + English)
- The "go and argue with THEM" fallacy
- The Raven annotated for Chinese readers
- The Telegram Borrowers (Chinese + English)
- Time and item counter
- Toothpastes suitable for an electric brush
- Trademarks mentioned on my website
- Transcript of Bilibili video to encourage Chinese with disabilities (Chinese + English)
- Twitter on a 1982 BBC Micro
- Typescript player for HTML5
- UK citizenship application and referee requirements
- UK passport application questions
- Unclarity in WhatsApp's new Terms
- Undergraduate Project Dissertation (A Representation and Conversion System for Musical Notation)
- Undergraduate project dissertation: errata
- Understanding rejection on WeChat (Weixin)
- Upgrading old Windows to GNU/Linux
- UPnP router command-line control scripts
- URL encoder for mobile chat
- Useless metrics
- Using Microsoft Windows with low vision
- Volume settings for unpowered speakers
- Warning about gradually increasing white noise at night
- Web Access Gateway: Chinese entry page
- Web Access Gateway: GIF Patent Problems and the Language Viewer
- Web Access Gateway home page
- Web Access Gateway: Japanese entry page
- Web Access Gateway: Korean entry page
- Web Access Gateway: Online Help
- Web Adjuster (domain-rewriting Web customiser)
- Web design advice
- Web statistics services can be harmful: anatomy of a shady advertising network
- WebCheck: monitor text strings on websites
- WeChat (Weixin) limitations
- Wenlin improvements
- "White noise", silent and other MIDI ringtones
- Why animated flip boxes are not always good
- Why I admit to being prejudiced (Chinese + English)
- Why I unsubscribe from MailChimp
- Why I'm not a lecturer (Chinese + English)
- Why Wi-Fi routers should be left switched on
- Windows Mobile 6.1 setup notes
- X11 low-resolution scrollable desktop
- X11: Using large print when in high resolution (via DPI)
- Xu Zhimo's Leaving Cambridge poem NOT about Lin Huiyin (Chinese + English)
- Xu Zhimo's Leaving Cambridge poem: rhyming translation
- Xu Zhimo's Leaving Cambridge poem: rhyming translation (Full-form characters)
- Xu Zhimo's Leaving Cambridge poem: rhyming translation (version with notes in Full-form Chinese)
- Xu Zhimo's Leaving Cambridge poem: rhyming translation (version with notes in Simplified Chinese)
Copyright and Trademarks
All material © Silas S. Brown unless otherwise stated.Android is a trademark of Google LLC.
Baidu is a trademark of Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
Bilibili is a trademark of Shanghai Hode Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Debian is a trademark owned by Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
Getty Images is a trademark of Getty Images.
Google is a trademark of Google LLC.
Google Maps is a trademark of Google LLC.
iPhone is a trademark of Apple in some countries.
Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.
Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc.
MailChimp is a registered trademark of The Rocket Science Group.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Netgear is a registered trademark of Netgear Inc and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
OpenID is a registered trademark of the OpenID Foundation.
Python is a trademark of the Python Software Foundation.
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
RISC OS is a trademark of Pace Micro Technology Plc which might now have passed to RISC OS Ltd but I was unable to find definitive documentation.
Spotify is a trademark of Spotify Ltd.
Symbian might still be a trademark but I was unable to confirm its current holder.
Telegram is a trademark of Telegram Messenger LLP.
Twitter and Tweet are trademarks of Twitter Inc.
Unicode is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Unix is a trademark of The Open Group.
Vectone is a trademark of Vectone Group Holding Plc.
VNC is a registered trademark of RealVNC Limited.
Wattpad is a trademark of Wattpad Corp.
WeChat is a trademark of Tencent Holdings Limited.
Weibo is a trademark of Sina.Com Technology (China) Co. Ltd.
Wenlin is a trademark of Wenlin Institute, Inc. SPC.
WhatsApp is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Zoom is a trademark of Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Any other trademarks I mentioned without realising are trademarks of their respective holders.