#!/usr/bin/env python # (works in both Python 2 and Python 3) # Offline HTML Indexer v1.34 (c) 2013-15,20,23-24 Silas S. Brown. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This is a Python program for creating large indices of # HTML text which can be queried using simple Javascript # that works on many mobile phone browsers without needing # an Internet connection or a Web server. This is useful if # you want to load a dictionary or other reference onto your # phone (or computer) for use when connectivity is not # available. # The input HTML should be interspersed with anchors like # this: where xyz is the index heading # for the following text. There should be one such anchor # before each entry and an extra anchor at the end of the # text; everything before the first anchor is counted as the # "header" and everything after the last as the "footer". If # these are empty, a default "mobile friendly" HTML header # and footer specifying UTF-8 encoding will be # added. Anchors may be linked from other entries; these # links are changed as necessary. # Opening any of the resulting HTML files should display a # textbox that lets you type the first few letters of the # word you wish to look up; the browser will then jump to # whatever heading is alphabetically nearest to the typed-in # text. # Configuration # ------------- infile = None # None = standard input, or set a "filename" outdir = "." # current directory by default alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # set to None for all characters and case-sensitive ignore_text_in_parentheses = True # or False, for parentheses in index headings more_sensible_punctuation_sort_order = True remove_utf8_diacritics = True # or False, for removing diacritics in index headings (not in main text); # assumes UTF-8. (Letters with diacritics will be treated as though they did not have any.) max_filesize = 64*1024 # of each HTML file # (max_filesize can be exceeded by 1 very large entry) # Where to find history: # on GitHub at https://github.com/ssb22/indexer # and on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ssb22/indexer # and on BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/ssb22/indexer # and at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/indexer # and in China: https://gitee.com/ssb22/indexer # --------------------------------------------------------------- import re,sys,os,time if type("")==type(u""): izip = zip # Python 3 else: from itertools import izip # Python 2 if infile: sys.stderr.write("Reading from "+infile+"... ") infile = open(infile) else: sys.stderr.write("Reading from "+("standard input" if sys.stdin.isatty() else "pipe")+"... ") infile = sys.stdin fragments = re.split(r'',infile.read()) # odd indices should be the tag names, even should be the HTML in between assert len(fragments)>3, "Couldn't find 2 or more hash tags (were they formatted correctly?)" assert len(fragments)%2, "re.split not returning groups??" header,footer = fragments[0],fragments[-1] if not header.strip(): header="""""" if not footer.strip(): footer = "" fragments = fragments[1:-1] sys.stderr.write("%d entries\n" % len(fragments)) def alphaOnly(x): if ignore_text_in_parentheses: x=re.sub(r"\([^)]*\)[;, ]*","",x) if alphabet: x=''.join(c for c in x.lower() if c in alphabet) return re.sub(r"^[@,;]*","",x) # see ohi_latex.py if more_sensible_punctuation_sort_order: _ao1 = alphaOnly alphaOnly = lambda x: _ao1(re.sub('([;,]);+',r'\1',x.replace('-',' ').replace(',','~COM~').replace(';',',').replace('~COM~',';').replace(' ',';'))) # gives ; < , == space (useful if ; is used to separate definitions and , is used before extra words to be added at the start; better set space EQUAL to comma, not higher, or will end up in wrong place if user inputs something forgetting the comma) if alphabet: for c in '@,;': if not c in alphabet: alphabet += c if remove_utf8_diacritics: _ao = alphaOnly ; import unicodedata def S(s): if type(u"")==type(""): return s # Python 3 else: return s.encode('utf-8') # Python 2 def U(s): if type(s)==type(u""): return s return s.decode('utf-8') alphaOnly = lambda x: _ao(S(u''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD',U(x)) if not unicodedata.category(c).startswith('M'))))) fragments = list(zip(map(alphaOnly,fragments[::2]), fragments[1::2])) fragments.sort() class ChangedLetters: def __init__(self): self.lastText = "" def __call__(self,text): "Find shortest prefix of text that differentiates it from previous item (empty string if no difference)" assert text >= self.lastText, "input must have been properly sorted" i = 0 for c1,c2 in izip(self.lastText+chr(0),text): i += 1 if not c1==c2: self.lastText = text return text[:i] assert text==self.lastText, repr(text)+"!="+repr(self.lastText) return "" # no difference from lastText changedLetters = ChangedLetters() ; f2 = [] fragments.reverse() sys.stderr.write("Minimizing prefixes... ") while fragments: x,y = fragments.pop() x = changedLetters(x) if f2 and not x: f2[-1] = (f2[-1][0], f2[-1][1]+y) # combine effectively-identical ones else: f2.append((x,y)) sys.stderr.write("done\n") fragments = f2 def tag(n): if n: return '' % n else: return '' def old_javascript_array(array): "in case the browser doesn't support JSON, and to save some separator bytes" array = list(array) # in case it was an iterator sepChar = ord(' ') chars_used = set(''.join(array)) assert '"' not in chars_used and '\\' not in chars_used and '<' not in chars_used and '&' not in chars_used, "Can't use special chars (unless you change this code to escape them)" while True: if chr(sepChar) not in chars_used and not chr(sepChar) in r'\"<&': break sepChar += 1 assert sepChar < 127, "can't find a suitable separator char (hard-code the array instead?)" return '"'+chr(sepChar).join(array)+'".split("'+chr(sepChar)+'")' js_binchop = """function(a,i) { function inner(a,i,lo,hi) { var mid=lo+Math.floor((hi-lo)/2); if(mid==lo || a[mid]==i) return a[mid]; if(a[mid] > i) return inner(a,i,lo,mid); return inner(a,i,mid,hi); } return inner(a,i,0,a.length); }""" js_binchop_dx = js_binchop.replace("return a[mid]","return mid") def js_hashjump(hashtags): return """""" % (js_binchop,old_javascript_array(hashtags)) # (the h!=n test is needed to avoid loop on some browsers e.g. PocketIE7) # #_h and #_f are special hashes for header and footer, used for "Next page" and "Previous page" links # (HTML5 defaults type to text/javascript, as do all pre-HTML5 browsers including NN2's 'script language="javascript"' thing, so we might as well save a few bytes) __lastStartEnd = None def htmlDoc(start,end,docNo): "Returns an HTML document containing fragments[start:end]. docNo is used to generate previous/next page links as appropriate. Caches its return value in case called again with same start,end (in which case docNo is ignored on second call)." global __lastStartEnd,__lastDoc if not (start,end) == __lastStartEnd: __lastStartEnd = (start,end) __lastDoc = header+js_hashjump(x for x,y in fragments[start:end] if x) if start: assert docNo, "Document 0 should start at 0" __lastDoc += '

Previous page

' % (docNo-1,) __lastDoc += ''.join(tag(x)+y for x,y in fragments[start:end]) if end max_filesize: eTry = int(eTry / int(sLen / max_filesize)) # rough start point while eTry > 1 and len(htmlDoc(start,start+eTry,docNo)) > max_filesize: eTry = int(eTry/2) if eTry < 1: eTry = 1 while eTry < len(fragments)-start and len(htmlDoc(start,start+eTry,docNo)) < max_filesize: eTry += 1 return start + max(1,eTry-1) def allRanges(): start = docNo = 0 while start < len(fragments): end = findEnd(start,docNo) sys.stderr.write("\rSegmenting (%d/%d)" % (end,len(fragments))) yield start,end start = end ; docNo += 1 sys.stderr.write("Segmenting") startsList = [] for start,end in allRanges(): open(("%s%s%d.html" % (outdir,os.sep,len(startsList))),"w").write(htmlDoc(start,end,len(startsList))) startsList.append(start) if alphabet: assert not '"' in alphabet and not '\\' in alphabet and not '&' in alphabet and not '<' in alphabet, "Can't use special characters in alphabet (unless js_alphabet is modified to quote them)" js_alphabet = """var a=val.toLowerCase(),i; val=""; for(i=0; i < a.length; i++) { var c=a.charAt(i); if("%s".indexOf(c)>-1) val += c } """ % alphabet # TODO: what if user types letters with diacritics, when remove_utf8_diacritics is set? else: js_alphabet = "" if more_sensible_punctuation_sort_order: js_alphabet = "val = val.replace(/-/g,' ').replace(/,/g,'~COM~').replace(/;/g,',').replace(/~COM~/g,';').replace(/ /g,';').replace(/([;,]);+/g,'$1');" + js_alphabet def hashReload(footer): # If a footer refers to index.html#example, need to # make sure the hash script runs when clicking there # from the index page itself. strToFind = '
%s""" % (hashReload(linkSub(header)),js_alphabet,js_binchop_dx,old_javascript_array(fragments[s][0] for s in startsList),hashReload(linkSub(footer)))) sys.stderr.write(" %d files\n" % (len(startsList)+1))