#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Anemone 1.58 (http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/anemone) (c) 2023-24 Silas S. Brown. License: Apache 2 To use this module, either run it from the command line, or import it and use the anemone() function. """ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Where to find history: # on GitHub at https://github.com/ssb22/indexer # and on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ssb22/indexer # and on BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/ssb22/indexer # and at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/indexer # and in China: https://gitee.com/ssb22/indexer def anemone(*files,**options) -> list[str]: """This function can be called by scripts that import anemone: simply put the equivalent of the command line into 'files' and 'options'. You can also specify a JSON dictionary instead of the name of a JSON file, and/or an HTML string instead of the name of an HTML file (this can also be done on the command line with careful quoting). If you do not give this function any arguments it will look at the system command line. Return value is a list of warnings, if any.""" R=Run(*files,**options) R.check() if R.mp3_recode or any(f.strip().lower(). endswith( f"{os.extsep}wav") for f in files if isinstance(f,str)): check_we_got_LAME() R.write_all(R.get_texts()) return R.warnings def populate_argument_parser(args) -> None: """Calls add_argument on args, with the names of all Anemone command-line options, which are also options for anemone(), and help text. This is also used for runtime module help.""" args.add_argument("files",metavar="file", nargs="+",help=""" file name of: an MP3 or WAV recording, a text file containing its title (if no full text), an XHTML file containing its full text, a JSON file containing its time markers (or text plus time in JSON transcript format), or the output ZIP file. Only one output file may be specified, but any number of the other files can be included; URLs may be given if they are to be fetched. If only sound files are given then titles are taken from their filenames. You may also specify @filename where filename contains a list of files one per line.""") args.add_argument("--lang",default="en", help=""" the ISO 639 language code of the publication (defaults to en for English)""") args.add_argument("--title",default="",help="the title of the publication") args.add_argument("--url",default="",help="the URL or ISBN of the publication") args.add_argument("--creator",default="",help="the creator name, if known") args.add_argument("--publisher",default="",help="the publisher name, if known") args.add_argument("--reader",default="", help=""" the name of the reader who voiced the recordings, if known""") args.add_argument("--date",help="the publication date as YYYY-MM-DD, default is current date") args.add_argument("--marker-attribute", default="data-pid",help=""" the attribute used in the HTML to indicate a segment number corresponding to a JSON time marker entry, default is data-pid""") args.add_argument("--page-attribute", default="data-no",help=""" the attribute used in the HTML to indicate a page number, default is data-no""") args.add_argument("--image-attribute", default="data-zoom",help=""" the attribute used in the HTML to indicate an absolute image URL to be included in the DAISY file, default is data-zoom""") args.add_argument("--refresh", action="store_true",help=""" if images etc have already been fetched from URLs, ask the server if they should be fetched again (use If-Modified-Since)""") args.add_argument("--cache", default="cache",help=""" path name for the URL-fetching cache (default 'cache' in the current directory; set to empty string if you don't want to save anything); when using anemone as a module, you can instead pass in a requests_cache session object if you want that to do it instead, although the delay option is ignored when you do this""") args.add_argument("--reload",dest="refetch", action="store_true",help=""" if images etc have already been fetched from URLs, fetch them again without If-Modified-Since""") args.add_argument("--delay",default=0,help=""" minimum number of seconds between URL fetches (default none)""") args.add_argument("--user-agent",default=f"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible, {' '.join(generator.split()[:2])})",help="User-Agent string to send for URL fetches") args.add_argument("--daisy3", action="store_true",help=""" Use the Daisy 3 format (ANSI/NISO Z39.86) instead of the Daisy 2.02 format. This may require more modern reader software, and Anemone does not yet support Daisy 3 only features like tables.""") args.add_argument("--mp3-recode", action="store_true",help=""" re-code the MP3 files to ensure they are constant bitrate and more likely to work with the more limited DAISY-reading programs like FSReader 3 (this option requires LAME)""") args.add_argument("--allow-jumps", action="store_true",help=""" Allow jumps in heading levels e.g. h1 to h3 if the input HTML does it. This seems OK on modern readers but might cause older reading devices to give an error. Without this option, headings are promoted where necessary to ensure only incremental depth increase.""") # might cause older reading devices to give an error: and is also flagged up by the validator args.add_argument("--strict-ncc-divs", action="store_true",help=""" When generating Daisy 2, avoid using a heading in the navigation control centre when there isn't a heading in the text. This currently applies when spans with verse numbering are detected. Turning on this option will make the DAISY more conformant to the specification, but some readers (EasyReader 10, Thorium) won't show these headings in the navigation in Daisy 2 (but will show them anyway in Daisy 3, so this option is applied automatically in Daisy 3). On the other hand, when using verse-numbered spans without this option, EasyReader 10 may not show any text at all in Daisy 2 (Anemone will warn if this is the case). This setting cannot stop EasyReader promoting all verses to headings (losing paragraph formatting) in Daisy 3, which is the least bad option if you want these navigation points to work.""") args.add_argument("--merge-books", default="",help=""" Combine multiple books into one, for saving media on CD-based DAISY players that cannot handle more than one book. The format of this option is book1/N1,book2/N2,etc where book1 is the book title and N1 is the number of MP3 files to group into it (or if passing the option into the anemone module, you may use a list of tuples). All headings are pushed down one level and book name headings are added at top level.""") args.add_argument("--chapter-titles", default="",help=""" Comma-separated list of titles to use for chapters that don't have titles, e.g. 'Chapter N' in the language of the book (this can help for search-based navigation). If passing this option into the anemone module, you may use a list instead of a comma-separated string, which might be useful if there are commas in some chapter titles.""") args.add_argument("--chapter-heading-level",default=1,help="Heading level to use for chapters that don't have titles") args.add_argument("--warnings-are-errors",action="store_true",help="Treat warnings as errors") args.add_argument("--dry-run",action="store_true",help="Don't actually output DAISY, just check the input and parameters") generator=__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0] # string we use to identify ourselves in HTTP requests and in Daisy files def get_argument_parser(): "populates an ArgumentParser for Anemone" from argparse import ArgumentParser args = ArgumentParser( prog="anemone", description=generator, fromfile_prefix_chars='@') populate_argument_parser(args) return args import time, sys, os, re, json import textwrap from collections import namedtuple as NT from functools import reduce from subprocess import run, PIPE from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from multiprocessing import cpu_count from urllib.request import urlopen,Request from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.parse import unquote from pathlib import Path # Python 3.5+ from shutil import which class DocUpdater: def __init__(self,p): self.p = p self.p.__doc__ += "\nOptions when run as a command-line utility:\n" def add_argument(self,*args,**kwargs): self.p.__doc__ += f"\n* {(chr(10)+' ').join(textwrap.wrap((args[0]+': ' if args[0].startswith('--') else '')+re.sub(chr(10)+' *',' ',kwargs['help']).strip(),50))}\n" populate_argument_parser(DocUpdater( sys.modules[__name__])) ; del DocUpdater def error(m) -> None: """Anemone error handler. If running as an application, print message and error-exit. If running as a module, raise an AnemoneError.""" if __name__=="__main__": sys.stderr.write(f"Error: {m}\n"),sys.exit(1) else: raise AnemoneError(str(m)) class AnemoneError(Exception): pass try: import mutagen except ImportError: error("Anemone needs the Mutagen library to determine play lengths.\nPlease do: pip install mutagen") from io import BytesIO # These must be defined before Run for type hints: PageInfo = NT('PageInfo',['duringId','pageNo']) TagAndText = NT('TagAndText',['tag','text']) TextsAndTimesWithPages = NT('TextsAndTimesWithPages',['textsAndTimes','pageInfos']) ChapterTOCInfo = NT('ChapterTOCInfo',['hTag','hLine','itemNo']) BookTOCInfo = NT('BookTOCInfo',['hTag','hLine','recNo','itemNo']) del NT class Run(): """The parameters we need for an Anemone run. Constructor can either parse args from the command line, or from anemone() caller.""" def __init__(self,*inFiles,**kwargs): R = self R.audioData,R.filenameTitles = [],[] R.jsonData = [] R.textData,R.htmlData = [],[] R.imageFiles,R.outputFile = [],None R.warnings = [] if inFiles: # being called as a module inFiles2 = [f for f in inFiles if isinstance(f,str)] R.__dict__.update( get_argument_parser().parse_args( (inFiles2 if inFiles2 else ["placeholder"]) + [a for k,v in kwargs.items() for a in ['--'+k.replace('_','-'),str(v)] if type(v) in [str,int]]) .__dict__) if not inFiles2: del R.files[0] # placeholder R.files += [f for f in inFiles if not isinstance(f,str)] # in case passing bytes or JSON directly else: # being called from the command line R.__dict__.update(get_argument_parser().parse_args().__dict__) R.__dict__.update((k,v) for k,v in kwargs.items() if type(v) not in [str,int,type(None)]) # (None means keep the default from parse_args; boolean and bytes we might as well handle directly; list e.g. merge_books should bypass parser; ditto session object for cache, a type we can't even name here if requests_cache is not installed) for k in ['merge_books','chapter_titles']: if not isinstance(R.__dict__[k],list): R.__dict__[k]=R.__dict__[k].split(',') # comma-separate if coming from the command line, but allow lists to be passed in to the module if R.__dict__[k]==['']: R.__dict__[k] = [] for f in R.files: fOrig = f if isinstance(f,dict): # support direct JSON pass-in as dict R.jsonData.append(f) R.check_for_JSON_transcript() continue if isinstance(f,str) and f.lower().endswith(f"{os.extsep}zip"): if R.outputFile: error(f"Only one {os.extsep}zip output file may be specified") R.outputFile = f ; continue elif isinstance(f,str) and re.match("https?://",f): f=fetch(f,R.cache,R.refresh,R.refetch,R.delay,R.user_agent) elif delimited(f,'{','}'): pass elif delimited(f,'<','>'): pass elif not os.path.isfile(f): error(f"File not found: {f}") else: f = open(f,"rb").read() if delimited(f,'{','}'): R.jsonData.append(json.loads(f)) R.check_for_JSON_transcript() elif delimited(f,'<','>'): R.htmlData.append(f) elif fOrig.lower().endswith(f"{os.extsep}mp3") or fOrig.lower().endswith(f"{os.extsep}wav"): R.audioData.append(f) R.filenameTitles.append(fOrig[:fOrig.rindex(os.extsep)]) elif fOrig.lower().endswith(f"{os.extsep}txt"): R.textData.append(f.decode('utf-8').strip()) else: error(f"Format of '{fOrig}' has not been recognised") def check(self) -> None: "Checks we've got everything" # You may omit calling this if you're creating # a temporary Run just to call something like # check_for_JSON_transcript and get its HTML R = self if not R.audioData: error("Creating DAISY files without audio is not yet implemented") if R.htmlData and not R.jsonData: error("Full text without time markers is not yet implemented") if R.jsonData and not R.htmlData: error("Time markers without full text is not implemented") if R.htmlData and R.textData: error("Combining full text with title-only text files is not yet implemented. Please specify full text for everything or just titles for everything, not both.") if R.jsonData and not len(R.audioData)==len(R.jsonData): error(f"If JSON marker files are specified, there must be exactly one JSON file for each recording file. We got f{len(R.jsonData)} JSON files and f{len(R.audioData)} recording files.") if R.textData and not len(R.audioData)==len(R.textData): error(f"If text files are specified, there must be exactly one text file for each recording file. We got f{len(R.textData)} text files and f{len(R.audioData)} recording files.") if R.htmlData and not len(R.audioData)==len(R.htmlData): error(f"If HTML documents are specified, there must be exactly one HTML document for each recording. We got f{len(R.htmlData)} HTML documents and f{len(R.audioData)} recordings.") if not R.outputFile: R.outputFile=f"output_daisy{os.extsep}zip" if not R.title: R.title=R.outputFile.replace(f"{os.extsep}zip","").replace("_daisy","") def warning(self,warningText) -> None: if self.warnings_are_errors:error(warningText) self.warnings.append(warningText) sys.stderr.write(f"WARNING: {warningText}\n") def check_for_JSON_transcript(self) -> None: """Checks to see if the last thing added to the Run object is a JSON podcast transcript, and converts it to HTML + time markers""" R = self if isinstance(R.jsonData[-1].get( "segments",None),list) and all( isinstance(s,dict) and "startTime" in s and "body" in s for s in R.jsonData[-1]["segments"]): # looks like JSON transcript format instead of markers format curSpeaker=None ; bodyList = [] for s in R.jsonData[-1]["segments"]: bodyList.append(s["body"]) s=s.get("speaker",curSpeaker) if not s==curSpeaker: curSpeaker,bodyList[-1] = s,f"[{s}] {bodyList[-1]}" if len(bodyList)>1: bodyList[-2] += "
" R.htmlData.append(' '.join( f'{c}' for i,c in enumerate(bodyList) if c)) R.jsonData[-1]={"markers":[ {"id":f"{i}","time":t} for i,t in enumerate( s["startTime"] for s in R.jsonData[-1]["segments"]) if bodyList[i]]} def get_texts(self) -> list: """Gets the text markup required for the run, extracting it from HTML (guided by JSON IDs) if we need to do that.""" R = self if R.textData: return R.textData # section titles only, from text files elif not R.htmlData: return R.filenameTitles # section titles only, from sound filenames recordingTexts = [] for h,j in zip(R.htmlData,R.jsonData): markers = j['markers'] want_pids = [jsonAttr(m,"id") for m in markers] extractor = PidsExtractor(R,want_pids) extractor.handle_soup( BeautifulSoup(h, 'html.parser')) rTxt = [] for i in range(len(markers)): rTxt.append(parseTime(jsonAttr(markers[i],"time"))) if want_pids[i] in extractor.id_to_content: tag,content = extractor.id_to_content[want_pids[i]] content = ''.join(content).strip() rTxt.append(TagAndText(tag,content_fixes(content))) else: R.warning(f"JSON {len(recordingTexts)+1} marker {i+1} marks paragraph ID {want_pids[i]} which is not present in HTML {len(recordingTexts)+1}. Anemone will make this a blank paragraph.") rTxt.append(TagAndText('p','')) recordingTexts.append( TextsAndTimesWithPages(rTxt,extractor.pageNos)) return recordingTexts def write_all(self,recordingTexts) -> None: """Writes the DAISY zip and everything in it. Each item of recordingTexts is either 1 text for section title of whole recording, or a TextsAndTimesWithPages i.e. ([TagAndText,time, TagAndText,time,TagAndText],[PageInfo,...])""" R = self assert len(R.audioData) == len(recordingTexts) headings = R.getHeadings(recordingTexts) if R.dry_run: return sys.stderr.write(f"Dry run: {len(R.warnings) if R.warnings else 'no'} warning{'' if len(R.warnings)==1 else 's'} for {R.outputFile}\n") merge0lenSpans(recordingTexts,headings) if R.mp3_recode or any( 'audio/mp3' not in mutagen.File(BytesIO(dat)).mime for dat in R.audioData): # parallelise lame if possible if not __name__=="__main__": sys.stderr.write(f"Making {R.outputFile}...\n"),sys.stderr.flush() # especially if repeatedly called, print which outputFile we're working on BEFORE the mp3s also executor = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=cpu_count()) recordingTasks=[executor.submit( (recodeMP3 if R.mp3_recode or 'audio/mp3' not in mutagen.File(BytesIO(dat)).mime else lambda x:x), dat) for dat in R.audioData] else: executor,recordingTasks = None,None try: R.write_all0(recordingTexts,headings,recordingTasks) except: # unhandled exception: clean up try: executor.shutdown(wait=False,cancel_futures=False) # (cancel_futures is Python 3.9+) except: pass # (no executor / can't do it) # noqa: E722 try: os.remove(R.outputFile) # incomplete except: pass # noqa: E722 raise def write_all0(self,recordingTexts,headings,recordingTasks) -> None: "Service method for write_all" R = self if os.sep in R.outputFile: Path(R.outputFile[:R.outputFile.rindex(os.sep)]).mkdir(parents=True,exist_ok=True) z = ZipFile(R.outputFile,"w",ZIP_DEFLATED,True) R.dataSectors = R.catalogueEntries = 0 def writestr(n,s): if isinstance(s,bytes): L = len(s) else: L = len(s.encode('utf-8')) R.dataSectors += (L+2047)//2048 # ISO 9660 sectors on a CD-ROM R.catalogueEntries += 1 # Assume roughly 64 entries per catalogue sector (TODO check), *3 for RockRidge/Joliet # Also 16 sectors are unused before start # 333,000 sectors on original 650M CD-ROM, TODO: we can probably increase that if 650M CDs are not in use, but some non-CD readers can still go wrong when files greatly exceed this size if 3*((R.catalogueEntries+63)//64) + R.dataSectors + 16 > 333000 \ and not hasattr(R,"warnedFull"): R.warnedFull = True R.warning(f"{R.outputFile} is too big for some DAISY readers") z.writestr(n,s) def D(s): return s.replace("\n","\r\n") # in case old readers require DOS line endings hasFullText = any(isinstance(t,TextsAndTimesWithPages) for t in recordingTexts) if hasFullText: writestr("0000.txt",D(f""" If you're reading this, it likely means your operating system has unpacked the ZIP file and is showing you its contents. While it is possible to extract recordings and text this way, it is better to send the whole ZIP to a DAISY reader so that its recordings and text can be connected with each other. If you are using EasyReader on a mobile device, close this file and navigate up a level to find the original ZIP file so it can be sent to EasyReader as a whole. Some other DAISY readers need to be pointed at the {'OPF' if R.daisy3 else 'NCC'} file instead, or at the whole directory/folder. """)) # TODO: message in other languages? # (it's iOS users that need the above, apparently. Can't DAISY have a non-ZIP extension so Apple systems don't automatically unpack it? but we do need to manually unpack if writing to a CD-ROM for old devices. Can't Apple look at some kind of embedded "don't auto-unpack this zip" request?) secsSoFar = 0 durations = [] ; curP = 1 for recNo in range(1,len(recordingTexts)+1): rTxt = recordingTexts[recNo-1] secsThisRecording = mutagen.File( BytesIO(R.audioData[recNo-1]) ).info.length if secsThisRecording > 3600: R.warning(f"Recording {recNo} is long enough to cause ~{secsThisRecording*.0001:.1f}sec synchronisation error on some readers") # seems lame v3.100 can result in timestamps being effectively multiplied by ~1.0001 on some players but not all, causing slight de-sync on 1h+ recordings (bladeenc may avoid this but be lower quality overall; better to keep the recordings shorter if possible) durations.append(secsThisRecording) if recordingTasks is not None: sys.stderr.write(f"Adding {recNo:04d}.mp3..."),sys.stderr.flush() writestr(f"{recNo:04d}.mp3", R.audioData[recNo-1] if recordingTasks is None else recordingTasks[recNo-1].result()) if recordingTasks is not None: sys.stderr.write(" done\n") writestr(f'{recNo:04d}.smil',D( R.section_smil(recNo,secsSoFar, secsThisRecording,curP, rTxt.textsAndTimes if isinstance(rTxt,TextsAndTimesWithPages) else rTxt))) writestr(f'{recNo:04d}.{"xml" if R.daisy3 else "htm"}', D(R.text_htm( (rTxt.textsAndTimes[ (1 if isinstance(rTxt.textsAndTimes[0],float) else 0) ::2] if isinstance(rTxt,TextsAndTimesWithPages) else [TagAndText('h1',rTxt)]), curP))) secsSoFar += secsThisRecording curP += (1+len(rTxt.textsAndTimes)//2 if isinstance(rTxt,TextsAndTimesWithPages) else 1) for n,u in enumerate(R.imageFiles): writestr(f'{n+1}{u[u.rindex("."):]}', fetch(u,R.cache,R.refresh,R.refetch,R.delay,R.user_agent) if re.match("https?://",u) else open(u,'rb').read()) if not R.date: R.date = "%d-%02d-%02d" % time.localtime()[:3] if R.daisy3: writestr('dtbook.2005.basic.css',D(d3css)) writestr('package.opf',D(R.package_opf( hasFullText, len(recordingTexts), secsSoFar))) writestr('text.res',D(textres)) else: writestr('master.smil',D(R.master_smil(headings,secsSoFar))) writestr( 'navigation.ncx' if R.daisy3 else 'ncc.html', D(R.ncc_html( headings,hasFullText,secsSoFar, [timeAdjust( t.textsAndTimes if isinstance(t,TextsAndTimesWithPages) else t, durations[i]) for i,t in enumerate(recordingTexts)], [(t.pageInfos if isinstance(t,TextsAndTimesWithPages) else []) for t in recordingTexts]))) if not R.daisy3: writestr('er_book_info.xml',D(er_book_info(durations))) # not DAISY standard but EasyReader can use this z.close() sys.stderr.write(f"Wrote {R.outputFile}\n") def getHeadings(self,recordingTexts) -> list: """Gets headings from recordingTexts for the DAISY's NCC / OPF data""" R = self ret = [] ; cvChaps = [] ; chapNo = 0 try: bookTitlesAndNumChaps = [ (n,int(v)) for n,v in [ (b if isinstance(b,tuple) else b.split('/')) for b in R.merge_books if b]] except: error(f"Unable to parse merge-books={R.merge_books}") # noqa: E722 for t in recordingTexts: chapNo += 1 if bookTitlesAndNumChaps and chapNo==bookTitlesAndNumChaps[0][1]+1: del bookTitlesAndNumChaps[0] if not bookTitlesAndNumChaps: error("merge-books did not account for all files (check the counts)") chapNo = 1 if not isinstance(t,TextsAndTimesWithPages): if bookTitlesAndNumChaps and chapNo==1: error("merge-books with non-HTML not yet implemented") ret.append(t) ; continue # title only textsAndTimes,pages = t ; first = None chapHeadings = [] for v,u in enumerate(textsAndTimes): if isinstance(u,float): continue #time tag,text = u if first is None: first = v if not tag.startswith('h'): continue if v//2 - 1 == first//2 and not textsAndTimes[first].tag.startswith('h'): # chapter starts with non-heading followed by heading: check the non-heading for "Chapter N" etc nums=re.findall("[1-9][0-9]*",textsAndTimes[first].text) if len(nums)==1: text=f"{nums[0]}: {text}" # for TOC textsAndTimes[v-1] = (textsAndTimes[first-1] if first else 0) + 0.001 # for audio jump-navigation to include the "Chapter N" (TODO: option to merge the in-chapter text instead, so "Chapter N" appears as part of the heading, not scrolled past quickly? merge0lenSpans will now do this if the chapter paragraph is promoted to heading, but beware we might not want the whole of the 'chapter N' text to be part of the TOC, just the number. Thorium actually stops playing when it hits the 0-length paragraph before the heading, so promoting it might be better; trying the +0.001 for now to make timestamps not exactly equal) chapHeadings.append(ChapterTOCInfo(tag,re.sub('','',text),v//2)) if not chapHeadings: # This'll be a problem, as master_smil and ncc_html need headings to refer to the chapter at all. (Well, ncc_html can also do it by page number if we have them, but we haven't tested all DAISY readers with page number only navigation, and what if we don't even have page numbers?) # So let's see if we can at least get a chapter number. if first is not None: nums=re.findall("[1-9][0-9]*",textsAndTimes[first].text) else: R.warning(f"Chapter {chapNo} is completely blank! (Is {'--marker-attribute' if __name__=='__main__' else 'marker_attribute'} set correctly?)") nums = [] ; first = 0 ; textsAndTimes.append(TagAndText('p','')) chapterNumberTextFull = chapterNumberText = nums[0] if len(nums)==1 and not nums[0]=="1" else str(chapNo) if R.chapter_titles: if len(R.chapter_titles)>1: chapterNumberTextFull,R.chapter_titles = R.chapter_titles[0],R.chapter_titles[1:] else: chapterNumberTextFull,R.chapter_titles = R.chapter_titles[0], [] if chapterNumberText not in chapterNumberTextFull: R.warning(f"Title for chapter {chapNo} is '{chapterNumberTextFull}' which does not contain the expected '{chapterNumberText}'") # In EasyReader 10 on Android, unless there is at least one HEADING (not just div), navigation display is non-functional. And every heading must point to a 'real' heading in the text, otherwise EasyReader 10 will delete all the text in Daisy 2, or promote something to a heading in Daisy 3 (this is not done by Thorium Reader) # (EasyReader 10 on Android also inserts a newline after every span class=sentence if it's a SMIL item, even if there's no navigation pointing to it) # So let's add a "real" start-of-chapter heading before the text, with time 0.001 second if we don't know the time from the first time marker (don't set it to 0 or Thorium can have issues) if first==1 and textsAndTimes[0]: first = 0 # for the insert below: put it before the non-zero opening time marker else: textsAndTimes.insert(first,(textsAndTimes[first-1] if first else 0)+0.001) textsAndTimes.insert(first,TagAndText( f'h{R.chapter_heading_level}', chapterNumberTextFull)) # we'll ref this chapHeadings=[ChapterTOCInfo( f'h{R.chapter_heading_level}', chapterNumberTextFull, first//2)] # points to our extra heading if textsAndTimes[first+2].text.startswith(chapterNumberText): textsAndTimes[first+2]=TagAndText( textsAndTimes[first+2].tag, textsAndTimes[first+2].text[len(chapterNumberText):].strip()) # because we just had the number as a heading, so we don't also need it repeated as 1st thing in text first += 2 # past the heading we added if first+21 or bookTitlesAndNumChaps and not chapNo==bookTitlesAndNumChaps[0][1]: R.warning("merge-books specified more files than given") if len(cvChaps) not in [0,len(ret)]: R.warning(f"Verse-indexed only {len(cvChaps)} of {len(ret)} chapters. Missing: {', '.join(str(i) for i in range(1,len(ret)+1) if i not in cvChaps)}") if cvChaps and not R.daisy3 and not R.strict_ncc_divs: R.warning("Verse-indexing in Daisy 2 can prevent EasyReader 10 from displaying the text: try Daisy 3 instead") # (and with strict_ncc_divs, verses are not shown in Book navigation in Daisy 2) return ret def ncc_html(self, headings = [], hasFullText:bool = False, totalSecs = 0, recTimeTxts = [], pageNos=[]) -> str: """Returns the Navigation Control Centre (NCC) recTimeTxts includes 0 and total pageNos is [[PageInfo,...],...]""" R = self numPages = sum(len(L) for L in pageNos) maxPageNo = max(( max( (int(i.pageNo) for i in PNs), default=0) for PNs in pageNos),default=0) # TODO: we assume all pages are 'normal' pages # (not 'front' pages in Roman letters etc) headingsR = R.normaliseDepth(hReduce(headings)) # (hType,hText,recNo,textNo) return deBlank(f""" {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} <{'ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1"' if R.daisy3 else f'html lang="{R.lang}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"'} xml:lang="{R.lang}"> {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {'' if R.daisy3 else f'{R.title}'} {f'{R.title}' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'{R.creator}' if R.daisy3 else ''} <{'navMap id="navMap"' if R.daisy3 else 'body'}>"""+''.join((f""" {t.hLine}{'' if recTimeTxts[t.recNo][2*t.itemNo]==recTimeTxts[t.recNo][2*t.itemNo+2] else f''' {''*numDaisy3NavpointsToClose(s,headingsR)}""" if R.daisy3 else ''.join(f""" {N}""" for r,PNs in enumerate(pageNos) for (PO,(after,N)) in enumerate(PNs) if (r,after)<=t[2:4] and (not s or (r,after)>headingsR[s-1][2:4]))+f""" <{t.hTag} class="{'section' if s or R.allow_jumps else 'title'}" id="s{s+1}"> {t.hLine} """) for s,t in enumerate(headingsR))+(''+''.join(f""" {N} """ for r,PNs in enumerate(pageNos) for (PO,(after,N)) in enumerate(PNs))+""" """ if R.daisy3 else """ """)) def imageParagraph(self,text:str) -> str: "Pulls out our normalised markup for use after the paragraph" R = self return f"""{'

' if R.daisy3 and re.search('',text))}{'

' if R.daisy3 and re.search(' str: "Gives the tags that should be placed before the current point in the DAISY 3 format" if not self.daisy3: return '' elif not tag.startswith('h'): if num: return '' # will have been started else: return '' return ''.join( f'' for n in range( min( int(tag[1:]), 1+next( int(paras[p].tag[1:]) for p in range( num-1,-1,-1) if paras[p].tag .startswith('h'))) if any( paras[p].tag .startswith('h') for p in range( num-1,-1,-1)) else 1, int(tag[1:])+1)) def daisy3CloseLevelTags(self, tag:str, num:int, paras:list[TagAndText]) -> str: "Gives the tags that should be placed before the current point in the DAISY 3 format" if not self.daisy3 or not num+1==len(paras) \ and not paras[num+1].tag.startswith('h'): return '' return ''.join( f'' for n in range( next( int(paras[p].tag[1:]) for p in range(num,-1,-1) if paras[p].tag .startswith('h') ) if any( paras[p].tag.startswith('h') for p in range(num,-1,-1) ) else 1, 0 if num+1==len(paras) else int(paras[num+1].tag[1:])-1, -1)) def normaliseDepth(self, items:list) -> list: """Ensure that heading items' depth conforms to DAISY standard, in a BookTOCInfo list""" if self.allow_jumps: return items curDepth = 0 for i in range(len(items)): ii = items[i] # TagAndText or BookTOCInfo if ii[0].lower().startswith('h'): depth = int(ii[0][1:]) if depth > curDepth+1: if isinstance(ii,BookTOCInfo): items[i]=BookTOCInfo( f'h{curDepth+1}',ii.hLine, ii.recNo,ii.itemNo) else: items[i]=TagAndText( f'h{curDepth+1}',ii.text) curDepth += 1 else: curDepth = depth return items def master_smil(self,headings = [], totalSecs = 0): "Compile the master smil for a DAISY file" R = self headings = hReduce(headings) return f""" """+''.join(f""" """ for s,t in enumerate(headings))+""" """ def section_smil(self, recNo:int = 1, totalSecsSoFar:float = 0, secsThisRecording:float = 0, startP:int = 0, textsAndTimes = []) -> str: "Compile a section SMIL for a DAISY file" R = self textsAndTimes = timeAdjust(textsAndTimes, secsThisRecording) return deBlank(f""" {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} """ + ( "" if R.daisy3 else f""" """)+f""" """+"".join(f""" {'' if R.daisy3 or textsAndTimes[i-1]==textsAndTimes[i+1] else f''} {'' if textsAndTimes[i-1]==textsAndTimes[i+1] else f''''} {''.join(f'' for j,imageID in enumerate(re.findall( ' """) # (do not omit text with 0-length audio altogether, even in Daisy 2: unlike image tags after paragraphs, it might end up not being displayed by EasyReader etc. Omitting audio does NOT save being stopped at the beginning of the chapter when rewinding by paragraph: is this a bug or a feature?) def package_opf(self, hasFullText:bool, numRecs:int, totalSecs:float) -> str: "Make the package OPF for a DAISY 3 file" R = self return f""" ANSI/NISO Z39.86-2005 {R.lang} {R.date} {R.publisher} {R.title} {R.creator} text """+''.join(f""" """ for i in range(1,numRecs+1))+''.join(f""" """ for i,u in enumerate(R.imageFiles))+f""" """+''.join(f""" """ for i in range(1,numRecs+1))+''.join(f""" """ for i in range(1,numRecs+1))+""" """+"".join(f""" """ for i in range(1,numRecs+1))+""" """ def text_htm(self, paras:list[TagAndText], offset:int=0) -> str: """Format the text, as htm for DAISY 2 or xml for DAISY 3. paras = TagAndText list, text is xhtml i.e. & use & etc.""" R = self return deBlank(f"""{'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} <{'dtbook xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/dtbook/" version="2005-2"' if R.daisy3 else f'html lang="{R.lang}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"'} xml:lang="{R.lang}"> {'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else f'{R.title}'} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} {f'' if R.daisy3 else ''} <{'book' if R.daisy3 else 'body'}> {f'{R.title}{R.creator}' if R.daisy3 else ''} """+"\n".join(f"""{ R.daisy3OpenLevelTags(tag,num,paras)}{ '

' if addPbeforeTag(tag,num,paras) else '' }<{tag} id=\"p{num+offset}\"{ (' class="word"' if len(text.split())==1 else ' class="sentence"') if tag=='span' else ''}>{ re.sub(" *

' if closePafterTag(tag,text,num,paras) else ''}{R.imageParagraph(text)}{ R.daisy3CloseLevelTags(tag,num,paras)}""" for num,(tag,text) in enumerate(R.normaliseDepth(paras)))+f""" """) class PidsExtractor: """Go through the HTML, extracting the paragraphs whose IDs we want, and moving any images between two ID'd paragraphs to the previously-ID'd paragraph, discarding others (site decoration etc). Also pick up on any page-number tags and note where they were.""" def __init__(self, R:Run, want_pids:list[str]): self.R = R self.want_pids = want_pids # IDs we want self.id_to_content = {} # our main output self.pageNos = [] # secondary output for page-number based navigation self.pageNoGoesAfter = 0 # want_pids index self.previous_pid_tagname = None self.previous_pid_contents = None self.images_since_previous_pid_closed = [] def handle_soup(self,t,addTo=None) -> None: """Recursively scan through the HTML. t is a BeautifulSoup tree node. addTo is the list of data for the ID that is currently being extracted, if any: we can append to this.""" if not t.name: # data or comment if t.PREFIX: pass # ignore comment, doctype etc elif addTo is not None: # collect text addTo.append(str(t).replace('&','&').replace('<','<')) return # ok, it's a tag: tag=tagRewrite.get(t.name,t.name) attrs = t.attrs imgURL = attrs.get(self.R.image_attribute,None) if imgURL and (re.match( "https?://.*[.][^/]*$", imgURL) or os.path.isfile( imgURL)) and not ( addTo is None and self.previous_pid_contents is None): # Write the 'img' markup for the DAISY document. # Will be moved to after the paragraph by text_htm # because DAISY images cannot occur inside paragraphs. # (Might want to check attrs.get("alt",""), but DAISY3 standard does not list alt as a valid attribute for img, so we'd have to put it after with br etc (changing text_htm) and we don't know if it's in the audio or not: probably best just to leave it and rely on there being a separate caption with ID if it's in the audio) image_index = self.R.imageFiles.index(imgURL) if imgURL in self.R.imageFiles else len(self.R.imageFiles) img = f'''''' if imgURL not in self.R.imageFiles: self.R.imageFiles.append(imgURL) if addTo is not None: addTo.append(img) else: self.images_since_previous_pid_closed.append(img) # in case we get another paragraph this_tag_has_a_pid_we_want = False if attrs.get(self.R.marker_attribute,None) in self.want_pids: this_tag_has_a_pid_we_want = True self.previous_pid_tagname = tag a = attrs[self.R.marker_attribute] self.pageNoGoesAfter = self.want_pids.index(a) self.id_to_content[a] = ((tag if re.match('h[1-6]$',tag) or tag=='span' else 'p'),[]) if self.images_since_previous_pid_closed: self.previous_pid_contents += self.images_since_previous_pid_closed self.images_since_previous_pid_closed = [] addTo = self.id_to_content[a][1] elif addTo is not None and tag in allowedInlineTags: addTo.append(f'<{allowedInlineTags[tag]}>') elif addTo is not None and tag=='a': self.lastAStart = len(addTo) pageNo = attrs.get(self.R.page_attribute,None) if pageNo: self.pageNos.append(PageInfo(self.pageNoGoesAfter,pageNo)) # Now the recursive call: if not tag=='rt': for c in t.children: self.handle_soup(c,addTo) # And now the end tag: if addTo is not None: if this_tag_has_a_pid_we_want: self.highestImage,self.previous_pid_contents = len(self.R.imageFiles),addTo elif tag in allowedInlineTags: addTo.append(f'') elif tag=="a" and re.match('[!-.:-~]$',"".join(addTo[self.lastAStart:]).strip()): # remove single-character link, probably to footnote (we won't know if it's in the audio or not, we're not supporting jumps and the symbols might need normalising) # but don't remove numbers (might be paragraph numbers etc) or non-ASCII (might be single-character CJK word) del addTo[self.lastAStart:] elif tag=='p' and self.previous_pid_contents and self.previous_pid_tagname=='span': # if paragraphs contain spans and it's the spans that are identified, ensure we keep this break in the surrounding structure self.previous_pid_contents.append("
") if tag=='html' and self.images_since_previous_pid_closed and hasattr(self,'highestImage'): del self.R.imageFiles[self.highestImage:] # do not include ones that are still only in images_since_previous_pid_closed at the end of the page (and not also elsewhere) def delimited(s,start:int,end:int) -> bool: """Checks to see if a string or binary data is delimited by start and end, converting as needed, after stripping""" if isinstance(s,bytes): s = s.replace(b"\xEF\xBB\xBF",b"").strip() # just in case somebody's using UTF-8 BOMs return s.startswith(start.encode('latin1')) and s.endswith(end.encode('latin1')) else: # string; assume no BOM to skip s = s.strip() return s.startswith(start) and s.endswith(end) def check_we_got_LAME() -> None: """Complains if a LAME binary is not available on this system. Makes a little extra effort to find one on Windows.""" if which('lame'): return if sys.platform=='win32': os.environ["PATH"] += r";C:\Program Files (x86)\Lame for Audacity;C:\Program Files\Lame for Audacity" if which('lame'): return error(f"Anemone requires the LAME program to encode/recode MP3s.\nPlease {'run the exe installer from lame.buanzo.org' if sys.platform=='win32' else 'install lame'} and try again.") tagRewrite = { # used by get_texts 'legend':'h3', # used in fieldset } allowedInlineTags={ # like tagRewrite but allows the tag inline # (rewrite and to and ) # Do not add more tags to this without # carefully checking what DAISY readers do. 'br':'br', 'strong':'strong', 'b':'strong', 'em':'em', 'i':'em'} assert 'rt' not in allowedInlineTags, "if allowing this, need to revise rt suppression logic" # and would have to rely on rp parens for most readers, so if a text has a LOT of ruby it could get quite unreadable def content_fixes(content:str) -> str: """Miscellaneous fixes for final XML/XHTML to work around some issues with readers""" content = easyReader_em_fix(content) content = re.sub('( * *)+','
',content) # allow line breaks inside paragraphs, in case any in mid-"sentence", but collapse them because readers typically add extra space to each, plus add a space beforehand in case any reader doesn't render the linebreak (e.g. EasyReader 10 in a sentence span) return content def easyReader_em_fix(content:str) -> str: """EasyReader 10 workaround: it does not show strong or em, which is OK but it puts space around it: no good if it happened after a "(" or similar, so delete those occurrences""" while True: c2 = re.sub( r"<(?P(strong|em))>(.*?)", lambda m:easyReader_em_fix(m.group(3)) if m.start() and content[m.start()-1] not in ' >' or m.end(){easyReader_em_fix(m.group(3))}", string = content) if c2==content: break content = c2 # and re-check return content def jsonAttr(d:dict,suffix:str) -> str: """Returns the value of a dictionary key whose name ends with the given lower-case suffix (after converting names to lower case), after checking exactly one key does this. Used for checking JSON for things like paragraphId if you know only that it ends with 'Id'""" keys = [k for k in d.keys() if k.lower().endswith(suffix)] if not keys: error(f"No *{suffix} in {repr(keys)}") if len(keys)>1: error(f"More than one *{suffix} in {repr(keys)}") return str(d[keys[0]]) def parseTime(t:str) -> float: """Parses a string containing seconds, minutes:seconds or hours:minutes:seconds (decimal fractions of seconds allowed), and returns floating-point seconds""" tot = 0.0 ; mul = 1 for u in reversed(t.split(':')): tot += float(u)*mul ; mul *= 60 return tot def merge0lenSpans(recordingTexts:list, headings:list) -> None: """Finds spans in the text that are marked as zero length in the audio, and merges them into their neighbours if possible. This is so that the resulting DAISY file can still be navigable if some of the time markers are somehow missing in the input JSON, i.e. we don't know when item 1 becomes item 2, but we do know where item 1 starts and where item 2 ends, so can we set the navigation to create a combined item for both 1 and 2.""" for cT,cH in zip(recordingTexts,headings): if not isinstance(cT,TextsAndTimesWithPages): continue textsAndTimes,pages = cT i=0 while i < len(textsAndTimes)-2: while i < len(textsAndTimes)-2 and \ isinstance(textsAndTimes[i],TagAndText) and \ (0 if i==0 else textsAndTimes[i-1])==\ textsAndTimes[i+1] and \ textsAndTimes[i].tag==textsAndTimes[i+2].tag: # tag identical and 0-length textsAndTimes[i] = TagAndText(textsAndTimes[i].tag, f"{textsAndTimes[i].text}{' ' if textsAndTimes[i].tag=='span' else '
'}{textsAndTimes[i+2].text}") # new combined item del textsAndTimes[i+1:i+3] # old for hI,hV in enumerate(cH): if hV.itemNo > i//2: cH[hI]=ChapterTOCInfo(hV.hTag,hV.hLine,hV.itemNo-1) for pI,pInfo in enumerate(pages): if pInfo.duringId > i//2: pages[pI]=PageInfo(pInfo.duringId-1,pInfo.pageNo) i += 1 def recodeMP3(dat:bytes) -> bytes: """Takes MP3 or WAV data, re-codes it as suitable for DAISY, and returns the bytes of new MP3 data for putting into DAISY ZIP""" # It seems broken players like FSReader can get timing wrong if mp3 contains # too many tags at the start (e.g. images). # eyed3 clear() won't help: it zeros out bytes without changing indices. # To ensure everything is removed, better decode to raw PCM and re-encode :-( decodeJob = run(["lame","-t","--decode"]+(["--mp3input"] if 'audio/mp3' in mutagen.File(BytesIO(dat)).mime else [])+["-","-o","-"],input=dat,check=True,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) # (On some LAME versions, the above might work # with AIFF files too, but we say MP3 or WAV. # Some LAME versions can't take WAV from stdin # only raw when encoding, but ok if --decode) m = re.search(b'(?s)([0-9.]+) kHz, ([0-9]+).*?([0-9]+) bit',decodeJob.stderr) # hope nobody disabled --decode when building LAME (is OK on lame.buanzo.org EXEs) if not m: error("lame did not give expected format for frequency, channels and bits output") return run(["lame","--quiet","-r","-s",m.group(1).decode('latin1')]+(['-a'] if m.group(2)==b'2' else [])+['-m','m','--bitwidth',m.group(3).decode('latin1'),"-","--resample","44.1","-b","64","-q","0","-o","-"],input=decodeJob.stdout,check=True,stdout=PIPE).stdout def fetch(url:str, cache = "cache", # not necessarily str refresh:bool = False, refetch:bool = False, delay:int = 0, user_agent = None) -> bytes: """Fetches a URL, with delay and/or cache. cache: the cache directory (None = don't save) or a requests_cache session object to do it (delay option is ignored when using session) refresh: if True, send an If-Modified-Since request if we have a cached item (the date of modification will be the timestamp of the file in the cache, not necessarily the actual last modified time as given by the server) refetch: if True, reload unconditionally without first checking the cache delay: number of seconds between fetches (tracked globally from last fetch) user_agent: the User-Agent string to use, if not using Python's default User-Agent""" ifModSince = None if hasattr(cache,"get"): # if we're given a requests_cache session, # use that instead of our own caching code r = cache.request('GET',url, headers = { "User-Agent": user_agent} if user_agent else {}, refresh=refresh, force_refresh=refetch) if r.status_code == 200: return r.content else: raise HTTPError("",r.status_code,"unexpected HTTP code",{},None) # Fallback to our own filesystem-based code # for quick command-line use if you want to # manually manage the cache (delete parts of # it by directory etc) : if cache: fn = re.sub('[%&?@*#{}<>!:+`=|$]', # these characters need to be removed on Windows's filesystem '', # TODO: store original URL somewhere just in case some misguided webmaster puts two identical URLs modulo those characters?? cache+os.sep+unquote(re.sub('.*?://','',url)) .replace('/',os.sep)) if fn.endswith(os.sep): fn += "index.html" fn = os.sep.join(f.replace('.',os.extsep) for f in fn.split(os.sep)) # just in case we're on RISC OS (not tested) fnExc = fn+os.extsep+"exception" if os.path.exists(fn): if refetch: pass # ignore already dl'd elif refresh: ifModSince=os.stat(fn).st_mtime else: return open(fn,'rb').read() elif os.path.exists(fnExc) and not refetch and not refresh: raise HTTPError("",int(open(fnExc).read()),"HTTP error on last fetch",{},None) # useful especially if a wrapper script is using our fetch() for multiple chapters and stopping on a 404 Path(fn[:fn.rindex(os.sep)]).mkdir(parents=True,exist_ok=True) sys.stderr.write("Fetching "+url+"...") sys.stderr.flush() global _last_urlopen_time try: _last_urlopen_time except NameError: _last_urlopen_time = 0 if delay: time.sleep(min(0,_last_urlopen_time+delay-time.time())) headers = {"User-Agent":user_agent} if user_agent else {} if ifModSince: t = time.gmtime(ifModSince) headers["If-Modified-Since"]=f"{'Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun'.split()[t.tm_wday]}, {t.tm_mday} {'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split()[t.tm_mon-1]} {t.tm_year} {t.tm_hour:02d}:{t.tm_min:02d}:{t.tm_sec:02d} GMT" try: dat = urlopen(Request(url,headers=headers)).read() except HTTPError as e: _last_urlopen_time = time.time() if e.getcode()==304 and cache: sys.stderr.write(" no new data\n") return open(fn,'rb').read() else: sys.stderr.write(f"error {e.getcode()}\n") if cache: open(fnExc,"w").write( str(e.getcode())) raise _last_urlopen_time = time.time() if cache: open(fn,'wb').write(dat) sys.stderr.write(" saved\n") else: sys.stderr.write(" fetched\n") return dat def addPbeforeTag(tag:str, num:int, paras:list) -> bool: "Decides whether a

should be added before the current tag" return tag=='span' and ( num==0 or not paras[num-1].tag=="span" or paras[num-1].text.endswith("
")) def closePafterTag(tag:str, text:str, num:int, paras:list) -> bool: "Decides whether a

should be added after closing the current tag" return tag=='span' and ( text.endswith("
") or num+1==len(paras) or not paras[num+1].tag=='span') def removeImages(text:str) -> str: "Removes our normalised markup from text" return re.sub('','',text) def numDaisy3NavpointsToClose(s:int, headingsR:list[BookTOCInfo]) -> int: """Calculates the number of DAISY 3 navigation points that need closing after index s""" thisTag = headingsR[s] if thisTag.hTag.startswith('h'): thisDepth = int(thisTag.hTag[1]) else: thisDepth = None # a div navpoint if s+1==len(headingsR): nextDepth = 1 else: nextTag = headingsR[s+1] if nextTag.hTag.startswith('h'): nextDepth = int(nextTag.hTag[1]) else: nextDepth = None # another div if thisDepth == nextDepth: return 1 # e.g. this is div and next is div, or same heading level elif nextDepth is None: return 0 # never close if it's heading followed by div headingNums_closed = ''.join( ('' if not i.hTag.startswith('h') else i.hTag[1] if int(i.hTag[1])>=nextDepth else '0') for i in reversed(headingsR[:s+1]) ).split('0',1)[0] if thisDepth: D=thisDepth else: D=int(headingNums_closed[0]) # the heading before this div (TODO: this code assumes there will be one, which is currently true as these divs are generated only by verse numbering) N = sum(1 for j in range(nextDepth,D+1) if str(j) in headingNums_closed) return N+(1 if thisDepth is None else 0) def hReduce(headings:list) -> list[BookTOCInfo]: """convert a list of ChapterTOCInfo lists (or text strings for unstructured chapters) into a single BookTOCInfo list""" return reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,[ ([BookTOCInfo(hType,hText,recNo,textNo) for (hType,hText,textNo) in i] if isinstance(i,list) else [BookTOCInfo('h1',i,recNo,0)]) for recNo,i in enumerate(headings)],[]) def timeAdjust(textsAndTimes,secsThisRecording:float) -> None: """Ensure textsAndTimes starts at the beginning of the recording, and ends at the end. Necessary for some players to play all of the audio.""" if not isinstance(textsAndTimes,list): textsAndTimes=[textsAndTimes] return [0.0]+textsAndTimes[ (1 if isinstance(textsAndTimes[0],float) else 0) : (-1 if isinstance(textsAndTimes[-1],float) else len(textsAndTimes)) ] + [secsThisRecording] def deBlank(s:str) -> str: """Remove blank lines from s (does not currently remove the first line if blank). Used so that optional items can be placed on their own lines in our format-string templates for DAISY markup. """ return re.sub("\n( *\n)+","\n",s) def hmsTime(secs:float) -> str: """Formats a floating-point number of seconds into the DAISY standard hours:minutes:seconds with fractions to 3 decimal places. (Some old DAISY readers can crash if more than 3 decimals are used, so we must stick to 3)""" return f"{int(secs/3600)}:{int(secs/60)%60:02d}:{secs%60:06.3f}" def deHTML(t:str) -> str: """Remove HTML tags from t, collapse whitespace and escape quotes so it can be included in an XML attribute""" return re.sub(r'\s+',' ',re.sub('<[^>]*>','',t)).replace('"','"').strip() def er_book_info(durations:list[float]) -> str: """Return the EasyReader book info. durations = list of secsThisRecording""" return """ """+"".join(f""" """ for s,d in enumerate(durations))+""" """ d3css = """/* Simplified from Z39.86 committee CSS, removed non-dark background (allow custom) */ dtbook { display:block; width: 100% } head { display: none } book { display: block; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; margin-top: 4em; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-left: 6em; margin-right: 6em; } bodymatter { display: block; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { display: block; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0.5em } h1 { font-size: 1.7em; margin-top: 1.5em } h2 { font-size: 1.5em; margin-top: 1.2em } h3 { font-size: 1.4em; margin-top: 1.0em } h4 { font-size: 1.3em; margin-top: 1.0em } h5 { font-size: 1.2em; margin-top: 1.0em } h6 { margin-top: 1.0em } p { display: block; margin-top: 0.7em } a { display: inline; text-decoration: underline } em { display: inline; font-style: italic } strong { display: inline; font-weight: bold } span { display: inline; } """ textres = """ RowNoteNote referenceAnnotationAnnotation referencePageOptional sidebarOptional producer noteRowNoteNote referenceAnnotationAnnotation referencePageOptional sidebarOptional producer noteAnnotationQuoteCodeListNotePoemOptional producer noteOptional sidebarTableTable row""" if __name__ == "__main__": anemone() version = float(__doc__.split()[1]) # for code importing the module to check # __all__ cuts down what's listed in help(anemone), w/out stopping other things being available via dir() and help(symbol). Might be useful especially because the default help() lists all classes, including namedtuple classes, with all default methods, before even getting to the anemone() function. They can have other things *after* anemone(), but we want them to see anemone() as near to the top of the documentation as possible. So let's take out the classes. __all__ = sorted(n for n,s in globals().items() if (isinstance(s,type(anemone)) or n=='version') and n not in ['run','unquote','urlopen','which']) # ruff check anemone.py # ruff: noqa: E401 # multiple imports on one line # - sorry, I can't see what's wrong with that # ruff: noqa: E402 # import not at top of file # - sorry but I like having the docs first... # ruff: noqa: E701 # colon without newline # - sorry, coding in large print with wraparound on means newlines are more of an overhead # ruff: noqa: E702 # semicolon statements - ditto