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CedPane: If

Last update: 2025-03-20
Please read the Introduction to CedPane if you don't know what this is---求求大家读读序言
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WordSimplifiedTraditionalPinyinYale (provisional)IPA
Ife; Ive艾夫艾夫ÀifūNgaaih-fū
if I remember correctly如果我没记错的话如果我沒記錯的話rúguǒ wǒ méi jì cuò de huàyùh-gwó ngóh muht gei cho dīk wah
if it were; if changed to换作換作huànzuòwuhn-jok
iflynote (dictation software)讯飞语记訊飛語記Xùnfēi yǔjìSeun-fēi yúh-gei
iFlytek (company)科大讯飞科大訊飛KēdàxùnfēiFō-daaih-seun-fēi
iFlytek (company)讯飞訊飛XùnfēiSeun-fēi
iFlytek Xinghuo (LLM chatbot)讯飞星火訊飛星火Xùnfēi XīnghuǒSeun-fēi Sīng-fó
if old things don't go new things can't come (saying)旧的不去新的不来舊的不去新的不來jiù de bù qù xīn de bù láigauh dīk bāt heui sān dīk bāt lòih
Ifor; Iver; Ivor艾弗艾弗ÀifúNgaaih-fāt
if there's oppression there's resistance (Mao attr., shortened version)有压迫就有反抗有壓迫就有反抗yǒu yāpò jiù yǒu fǎnkàngyáuh ngaat-bīk jauh yáuh fáan-kong
if things go on like this长此下去長此下去chángcǐxiàqùchèuhng-chí-háh-heui
if time allows如果时间容许如果時間容許rúguǒ shíjiān róngxǔyùh-gwó sìh-gāan yùhng-héui
Ifugao (language)伊富高语伊富高語YīfùgāoyǔYī-fu-gōu-yúh
Ifugao (written language)伊富高文伊富高文YīfùgāowénYī-fu-gōu-màhn
if you gamble it's your fault if you lose愿赌服输願賭服輸yuàndǔfúshūyuhn-dóu-fuhk-syū
if you plan for a year一年之计一年之計yī nián zhī jìyāt nìhn jī gai
if you play it's your fault if you lose愿玩服输願玩服輸yuànwánfúshūyuhn-wáan-fuhk-syū
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Copyright and Trademarks: This is part of CedPane, Silas S. Brown / public domain.
Any trademarks I mentioned without realising are trademarks of their respective holders.